Friday, June 16, 2006

Post Match Tiredness!

Okay so England won. Did they play well? Not really.

My lager induced evening was made tolerable by a half time break form the stuff to swill two pints of diet coke - unlike some I could mention I feel as fresh as a daisy this morning! We were extremely fortunate with our venue - large screen, comfie seat and no drunken idiots singing stupid songs - and just the right amounts of banter and beer! After the game we moved onto the local pub - it was heaving - looked like a hurricane had swept through the patio. Drunken England fans after a win make me cringe.. but that's just me. I am intellectual fan, which is never a good thing to be on these occasions.

I must have felt semi-excited as I called my brother mobile to mobile to let him know the result and my 'unbiased' view of the game! It went to voicemail - so for the first time I heard how the Aussie networks deal with it - I laughed out loud at that. No wonder people were looking at me strangely as I cantered to Bank tube.

I had another PMT this morning - Post Match Trains/Tubes. The Hip Hop line had severe delays last night and this morning. Last night wasn't so bad by the time I wanted a train it was 11pm and I got a seat and stayed awake (unlike the hoardes around me) but this morning it was like being a sardine. Ah the smells and after effects of everyone else's night on the town..

However two more games of football should tide me over until the real season begins!

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