Saturday, September 30, 2006


Okay - so it's Saturday morning. Headache seems to have gone. Trying to stay relaxed so it does stay away. Already been to Sainso's to buy some essentials - mm how come 'essentials' came to 85 quid?! The only food stuff was long life milk so I can have a cuppa when I get back! How essential was half of the rest of the stuff???
I have put my washing out to dry and smell like fresh air. Currently the skies are blue and the breeze doing the biz - however whichever weather website I check I suspect it will rain again later... I'll be in Gillingham. Yes chaps last game for me for 3 weeks. Cheltenham. Gillsconnect suggest Jarvis will be out injured. SO I predict a loss. Such faith?!
Now listening to Fighting Talk. Ah! While hanging out my washing I did notice that 2 of the 4 advocado stones I planted have sprouted and are going for it! Hooray! I have helped create some life! Okay more later...

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