Thursday, September 07, 2006

Today is a Full Moon...

What weird and wonderful events will that precipitate?!

(apart from my legs seizing up so I am forced to stay at my desk ALL day)

Update: Erm Tony Blair re-affirmed what he had already told us... the sun shone. The trains and tubes were their usual hit and miss selves. And well that was about it really. No-one discovered the meaning of life - or stopped people being killed overseas - or indeed here. I was far from the predicted tetchy and in fact powered through some tasks in the morning and the afternoon achieving all I had set out to do. The one major change? I bought some storage boxes for the kitchen to throw my recyclables in to... not exactly rocket science huh!!

It was though this day last year I started talking to Thesp. And in a months time I will be at my brother's bucks party - which for those of you not Auslingual is a stag do - the honorary bird allowed to attend! Contraversial?!


Anonymous said...

Sorry? - You bought some plastic boxes (made from lots of oil and chemicals) for your recycling?

What's wrong with some liberated cardboard boxes from Tesco?

Karoona said...

Erm they have a dual purpose actually. I can use them for recycling purposes now but when I move I can use them as storage boxes - take them with me and return them to their initial reason for purchase.
Cardboard boxes are fine - but my kitchen is small and they have habit of getting soggy and smelly. Plus I have n desire to attract the there.