Tuesday, September 26, 2006


5 years ago I was in Hobart! The Tower Hotel and the long walk to the centre of Hobart, past the Oval. Salamanca Place and the pub quiz at the Irish Murphy pub whilst drinking vast amounts of Cascade Stout - the local brew! It was raining and chilly when we walked back! And we had an early start the next day as we were off to see proper Tasmanian Devils and visit to Port Arthur - the original home of the convict population...which I remember as being a fascinating and still full of ghosts of the past. Definitely had an impact on my memory.

Today however I was in London - Monday and for a change I was on fairly good form. Maybe its the demob effect - or maybe its the fact that with now 5 days to go I have plenty to prepare and sort out before I can leave with a clear conscience. So being busy gives me a buzz. I had lost a 1lb and generally felt very bouncy as I walked to and from WW at lunch time. COme the end of the day and more additions to my never ending list of things to do I decided to walk to Waterloo. The long way. It was nearly 7pm, the leaves were falling, the gates to the Embankment parks were closed and the final drops of rain were falling. The dusk on the river brought out the lights of the South Bank. Total contrast to the river in July yet still enough to make me smile. I want to drink it all in before I go away. Not sure why - I have this morbid idea about things and want to indulge in all my favourite views and walks before I go. Just in case.

The weekend was slightly odd. The relationship I have with my parents taking a few different twists and turns. I have no idea how it feels to be 65+ and no longer going to work. No concept of how I would feel if my day to day control and routine were suddenly gone. I wish I could provide answers but I suspect that's something you face when it happens and when you do get there habit and character are so entrenched it becomes harder to see the options. I also have no concept of what it is like to share your life with someone for 36 years, so its hard to know what to say. The shifting sands of parent child relationships. Yet as they are both among my best friends I suspect all I can do is show my concern and offer my honest views. Gently of course! Communication, communciation, communication. Which is why I have suggested to my future sister in law that we spend some time together while I am out there. A chance to talk and learn about each other. Nothing heavy just a means to connect perhaps. Gosh. Sometimes my assertiveness scares me. I never used to be like that!!! Maybe its my newly formed cleavage which has brought about this change of aura!!! Eye eye!!


Anonymous said...

"Newly formed cleavage"?!?!?

Karoona said...

Yes! See former post Rigby and Pellar