Thursday, September 07, 2006


I have discovered muscles I never knew I had.. or rather I knew I had but had neglected to remember they existed!
Our plucky team - JohnTec, Fai, Rav, Dan, Terry and erm me did ourselves enough justice. Played 4: Won 1, Drew 1, Lost 2... Rav scoring the only goal in our last group game. As ever the level of fun versus serious contenders depended very much on which group of lawyers we played...

One chap, who wasn't very good, did spend the entire game shouting in a deep Yorkshire accent, 'Turn and face, turn and face', 'Come on - team movement', 'Who are you marking? - come on mark up' and the best one 'Don't let him get away from you'... to which I retorted - 'Good grief Dan don't get away from him!'. I guess our team ethic was to survive the 4 lots of 10 minutes and see how we could do - no pre tournament practice or really any tactics. The teams are only valid with a girl playing - so I was on for the full group stages. Our main tactic - everyone (except me) to take a turn in goal (John Tec proved rather groovy at this role) and the team to have a rolling sub.. so it was for us a 5 a side team. I quite enjoyed it! The plucky underdogs against all other teams of at least 2 girls and most had 'squads' of 12+ (I wore my Gills shirts - the one Chippy used to play in!). We came joint bottom of our group level with the turn and facers in green. A few hand shakes and a few laughs in the pub afterwards. Team spirit was high as we consumed several pints and polished off a very large bowl of chips, quiche and naan bread which our goalie had saved from upstairs. All in all a postive day - at one point they even started to talk about the work shop I had run through with them in the afternoon! Confidence boost for me and I hope them (being the whole dev team - not just the plucky dev footie team!)

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