Wednesday, September 13, 2006


is generally when the cravings are at their worst.
In actual fact it's amazing how much the working day was divided into ciggy break stops. The first generally before 10am; one at 11ish; one on the way to lunch, one on the way back. Then the afternoon shift - 3.30 or 4pm or 4.30 or 5pm. Generally one or two of these options. Then if really naughty a 5.30pm one before returning to the desk to finish up and shut down at 6ish.
This morning we had an outdoor tea stop. No temptation at lunch (too much oil in my spag bol for me to contemplate nicotine as well) and provided the trains are ok later there won't be too much time to stand around and crave one. I have a bunch of bananas and bag of pears at my side to negate the cravings. Fruit has to be better for me than chocolate or crisps.... Not sure if talking about it makes it better or worse - but I reckon keeping fingers busy is a help....oh and not talking/telling everyone about it. Apart from here.
Its a long way to fall.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry about the toffee-type bar but it was ww!!