Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Today's stars....

Keep waiting for the right moment to let your feelings be known and you might be waiting a long, long time. Find a way to keep it light -- a friendly compliment, a casual invite -- and get on with it!

Be the author of your life. Decide what you want to happen -- and, more importantly, what you don't want to happen -- and then make it so. The universe will provide you all the help you need to make this happen -- truly.

any advice?!


Anonymous said...

my advice would be to remember that you live in the 21st century and as such we know that astrology is a load of hokum and that you are not a peasant in 16th century Kent looking for meaning in a dark world full of inexplicable phoenomena but an educated woman living in a world illuminated by the Enlightenment.

Karoona said...

true enough. but I am also a closet romantic looking for guidance?!

wherefore art this enlightenment of which you speak... but hurry I have to feed the chickens and build a fire on which to roast a suckled pig... aah Kent land of the oast house and apple orchards..

Anonymous said...

the universe will not help you, because it is uncaring and kunknowing in the way that only a thing that has no possibility of being aware can be. It does not even know you are there because it is not a thing that does knowing.

we give birth stride the grave. The light shines for an instant and we are gone.

Anonymous said...

You want advice?

How much more of a clue do you need? - Even the random nonsense that is your daily horriblescope is telling you to jump in... go grab a big slice of life... and remember...(ehem)... "What's the worst that can happen?"

Go ask 50 cent or whatever his name is out on a date before you both grow old and wish you had.

You've had all the advice you need, what you need is not more advice, you need a kick up the harris and a shove toward dollar-Bill or whatever his name is.

Or give me his phone number and I'll bloody call him for you! (My mate fancies you...)

Karoona said...

Cheers tut tut tut but I think the moment has gone.. not sure 40 cents will look back in his old age and wonder what if..not sure I will either. No point looking back like that.

It's all good, friends are, after all, more valuable. So back to the web and smiles on the train...?!

That said I do think I am cursed!!!