Saturday, August 12, 2006

When is a reserved seat...

not a reserved seat?
When its the 7.03pm Paddington to Penzance train! I don't think I have ever witnessed such scenes when travelling by rail before. Even when on a packed train to a game of footie. This was an all out stubborn/arrogant fest.
Imagine the scene; the cavenous station that is Paddington; the arched ceilings and intricate framework that IKB designed and built all those years ago; the thronging noises of city dwellers escaping for the weekend. Imagine the inward train a few minutes late. Imagine then announcement that Platform 2 was the Penzance train.
The crowd bundled its way through the gates. It was every man for himself. I nonchalently kept to my usual fairly speedy pace secure in the knowledge that I had a seat reserved.
This particular train, being late in, had not been reserved ticketed beyond coach A - the first class coach - you know the really busy one.. so my seat was occupied. Coach C was heaving. I mean heaving - made the tube look like a gentle OAP trip. So I found the nearest empty seat and sat. And kept quiet. Menawhile all around me were engaging in varying degrees of pleasant conversations along the lines of 'You are in my seat. I reserved it. I want it now' and 'There are no reservation tickets and I am entitled to sit here. I travel on this train everyday. I pay a grand a year to use this service. I am not moving' Much huffing and excuses of, 'I have children' - but 'I have a large bag' - 'no problem love I'll happily move your bag for you.' I remained silent. Then a Young Lady asked for her seat. I simply said I would move but my reserved seat is taken so I am staying here. Not very helpful I know but physically there was nowhere else to go. She, unlike I would have done gave up, and wedged herself back along the coach. I sat. Blood boiling. I could see my 'reserved' seat. I could hear the ructions taking place behind me. And to the side of me and in front of me.
We pulled into Reading and the loud arrogant gits who claimed a right to their seats even though they were clearly reserved got off. Good riddance. And thundering down the coach was Young Lady. 'I need these seats. Please move.' I was happier to move now that the general idea that reservations outweighed first come first seated. No worries. So I got my ruck sack and duly headed for seat 5. Whereupon I said Ok I reserved seat 5 - here's my proof please could I have my seat. The girl behind in seat 3 was so scared she offered up hers. Then the chap in my seat said 'This one?' I nodded. He left with little fight. He'd seen the carnage all around.
Young Lady needed seat so that she and husband could be united at Reading. He with a bunch of flowers which she shrugged at, and him with a bag full of books that she then moaned about cos he had put them on the overhead shelf. So glad I helped their marital bliss.
So I did get my seat. Eventually. But I have never before witnessed such rudeness and general selfishness. It was moderately entertaining watching everyone's reactions. There is no humour any more. No hint of irony or flexibility. I agree it is very annoying when you have reserved a seat not to get it. But I paid no more for a reserved seat. If the train companies don't manage their seating properly then it will be a lottery.
Or a fight club. We don't talk about that.
Yet in the grander scheme of things - it wasn't really that important. Not like being bombed by missiles or on an exploding plane. Where had the compassion for fellow man gone. One bloke stood all the way to Tiverton, a whole 20 odd mins in a seat before getting off at Exeter St Davids. AND to be fair the guard on the train didn't dodge the issue - he found space in other carriages for people to sit. All in all an experience!
Wonder what the return trip will be like?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have several sleeping bags you can hire(!) so that when all else fails one can climb out onto the roof (it was always good enough for Harold Lloyd) - use public transport they say - obviously for one of life's unforgettable experiences!! Well done I say for not losing it - what you may ask - now would that be temper/seat or both?