Thursday, August 10, 2006


It struck me as I cleaned the pesto from my teeth last night that I felt a bit like a flat football kicked to the back of the garage. No one to bounce off of and no-body about to kick me out of the corner.
The good news is as ever that really there is never any good news - there is merely news which can lift you from the baseline.
I guess have been struggling with some emotions that I cannot front out the way I normally would because of distance, time differences and personalities involved. Emotions that for hte most part I have had to keep silent over for the better good. Yes I do think too much and use words in ways that others find overwhelming. But the whole point of being human is the increased intelligence we have to communicate more effectively. This is a thinking and feeling thing for me. Rare huh!
I know it will pass. It always does. The course of least resistance. Mm.
Anyway this morning the news is wall to wall security at the airports. Full moon and a Thursday. Once more proving how fragile we are when the material things we take comfort from are snatched from us. Can't say I would be overly amused if I had been on the way out to Oz today! Maybe its time the shrunken globe reflated itself and accepted that being sedentary can be as fulfilling as nomadism.
So my aim for the day - work hard and let the hours fly.


Furry said...

a flat football at the back of the garage... that's the problem with football analogies (ooo.. shurely a speeling mistook?) they never have anything positive to say.

Why a flat football? and why a garage? - why not a buttercup in a field? - there are a million ways you could express your individuality and strength...

like the song says, "accentuate the positive, e-lim-I-nate the negative..."

Have a virtual hug on me.

Karoona said...

that's not strictly true! the analogy fitted how I felt. If I was buzzing with excitement and joy then I might have said I felt like a Jarvis Hat-trick.. however.

cheers for virtual hug tho..