Friday, August 18, 2006

I still need an early night..

either that or my wisdom teeth are rebelling.... my head feels sore... eyes/teeth the works! Joy! And no it is not a hangover. Not had more than a unit all week. Maybe an afternoon nap under the table!

So tonight is BB final! I can't decide. Pete will probably win but I have a soft spot for Aisleyne..

And with the fair success of date #1 I have provisionally got 2 more on the horizon we'll call them #2 and #3!! Could I then go from having no hugs to so many I write tales of how am I going to choose? Who knows?!

Anyway I now have 2 games of footie to look forward to in the next few days! Northampton at home tomorrow and the Millwall on Tuesday pm! Come on!

Ok - more later!

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