Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Today has been without doubt so dull I am struggling for things to say. For those of you hoping that a 'what I do' blog would be full of affairs and sexual encounters I am afraid I have nothing to offer. Unless you wish to get inside my head. Lots of that there.
Today I went to work - overslept until 7.15am and was still not late. The reason - a total lack of sleep right now. My brain is running between reality and fantasy. Truth and lies. My pre sleep reading - my diary March 2001 and the adventures I had had with Lovegod. Enough to keep anyone awake. Oh and Mr & Mrs Noisy Neighbour being loud until 1.30am did not help.
Then my first meeting with The First Man didn't happen as he was being dragged into other things.
Then I disappeared for 2.5 hours to listen as the Major Project was described to the DC team. That meeting had one advantage. The presence of an in-the-know kinda chap. I found myself working out which way his crossed leg was pointing to see if there was any body language action. Maybe a little towards the end. The semi see through blouse has some advantage. Then a rushed lunch of jacket spud and quorn curry. Bought First Man a coffee. By way of some veiled apology. Text from mum - our friends son n wife have given birth to a baby girl. Good news.
Next the delicate issue of user access on the Major Project. 45 minute time out in which I struggle to get into any meaningful work. I day dream. I day dream about sex. Then its an online session with our friends in LA. Yup the Major Project. I return to collect my tube pass and house keys at 5.45. Text from mum - one of dad's friends' wife died in her sleep. Sad news.
Walk. Tube. Local shopping arcade to Boots for hair dye where upon I discover the Clarks shoe shop is now open! The WHSmiths will be opening on Thursday and TKMaxx had no custard jug.
Home. Oz and James Californian Wine Tour - mmm great memories of my 2 trips to San Francisco. Such a vibrant and exciting city.
Actor does not want me to see his play on Saturday cos his ex will be there. What this has to do with me I know not! I haven't seen the guy for 2 years. He suggests I go another day this week but has failed to give me the times - so looks like Saturday is the one. If I bother.
Sent Sparky a card. Being mixed up is harder if there is no-one to talk too. Often all you need is a hug. Though I know right now I want a hug and all that follows.
Lights on!
Okay I did forget to mention that as I steamed into work from Bonk I had to wait while armed police and the city of London police prevent traffic and peds from passing the Old Bailey. Two gaol wagons duly sped by and went in. Always intrigues me - who is in there? What have they done?


Anonymous said...

Hug on way enjoy the dreams
PC Anonymous x

Karoona said...

Will dream of hug and hope that turns to reality... ta!