Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Changing Perspective

Your perspective changes a lot this week, and you learn things via people, places, and situations that you never thought would have any worthwhile information for you. You're a practical Goat, and you usually believe only what you can see, taste, touch, smell, and hear and not too much else. On Thursday the illuminating Sun enters Sagittarius and your sector of dreams and unconscious thoughts. You'll find that you're more inclined to listen to your inner voice than ever before. Your dream life might prove to be important to you, and you may decide to keep track of your dreams and write them down when you wake up. You have a fountain of knowledge locked up inside you and you're your own best guide. Now you'll think about listening to yourself and following your hunches. Your intuition will shine. On Saturday the Full Moon takes place in Gemini, in your sector of health, and you could decide to look into ways you can increase your health and vitality through massage and nutritional supplements. Be sure you check with your doctor first and get as much information as you can before you start any new health regime.


Anonymous said...

A dream diary is an interesting thought - although in your case it would be a dream blog.

Graham Greene kept one. Not a blog of course.

Karoona said...

Funny Graham Greene was cited in the film I watched Sat pm - Donnie Darko. Strange film yet I sat transfixed throughout.

I will endeavour to keep dream diary here. So its what I do. What I dream. My stars (ugh) and my photos. NO FEELINGS!!!

Anonymous said...

not sure why the stars are there - is it ironic.

I watched Donnie Darko too - how fit is Drew Barrymore?

Karoona said...

stars are there as a possible guideline... ?!

Erm quite fit.. she did wear a nice long skirt.. and was Dr Greene (ER) her b/f?