Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Last Night's Dream

Controversially I dreamt I was visiting Stephen Fry. His bathroom was on the lower floor - and consisted of row upon row of sinks and bidets... the actual toilets I needed were weird seats raised above a hole.. I think. It was plush. Like the rest of the 3 storey house. I also met and bumped into the first guy I really spoke to at Uni - Robert Jones. He of the blonde locks. We were both waiting outside one of law tutors rooms. He liked Skid Row and noticed my yellow army satchel with such things scrawled all over it. He was in some of my tutorial groups and was a bloke from Stoke! Why I was talking to him after all this time I know not. Then for some bizarre reason I was in M&S trying to buy ... I can't remember what! But I was with Mary who throughout my childhood was an M&S aficionado!


Anonymous said...

Did you wake up really, really needing to have a wee?

Karoona said...

Erm yes a bit more than usual.

Known admirer would say that likening Stephen Fry to toilets was apt as he seems to think Fry is pants...

Anonymous said...

Dreaming of odd, inaccessible toilets usually indicates a wee wee is on the horizon.

I like Stephen Fry, tho' some of his books are pap.