Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Stephen Poliakoff


I watched 'Joe's Palace' - did zilch for me.
I watched 'A Real Summer'. Ruth Wilson's monologue - with herself as Geraldine & Mary was inspired viewing for her performance alone. I mean Saturday night I could have watched X Factor - but I like a challenge.
I watched 'Gideon's Daughter' - which I did really liken and get absorbed into.
I watched for the second time 'Friends and Crocodiles' and somehow it made more sense to me as an individual but was also completely unbelievable in setting.

And now I am going to watch 'Capturing Mary'. I like a challenge on a Monday and it brings together the first two pieces of work. And can David Walliams act?

But I can't decide if his work is over stated poncy drama or actually very cleverly drawn together ideas which make compelling viewing.

More after the show...


Anonymous said...

he is a vastly overrated snobbish posho obsessed berk. I for one am furious that my licence fee provides the funding for this sort of trash.

no need for a discussion then really

Karoona said...

end of!