Friday, November 09, 2007

Beeb Health News

I have been moderately entertained this week by several stories on the BBC website about attraction and hormones. For those of you who don't me know that well - be aware, that yes, I can be quite irrational and 'hormonal' for at least 2 weeks every month, so I was bemused to read how my hormones, amongst other things, may actually be affecting other things, aside from the cowering work colleagues and tongue tied general public, I do/say/am...
So here goes,
Sexy walks 'keep men off scent' - 'She analysed the gait of female volunteers, showed video clips to 40 men, asking them to rate the attractiveness of the way the women walked, and then matched the results to the hormone tests.' So what about fast walking? Is this good or bad? How does a bloke rate walking?
Gaze 'key to facial attraction' - 'You can alter your attraction to the opposite sex simply by looking straight at them and smiling, research suggests.' - So I am guessing frowning and scowling aren't helping very much....I will make a determined effort to start being more smily.
And my personal favourite -
'Hormonal' women most attractive - which can only be good, for at least 2 weeks of each month, for me.. shame I am walking too fast to be caught! Quote of the piece tho "Make-up can improve appearance across the board, but it will obviously help people who are less attractive more." Smashing!
So girls - remember to gaze and smile whilst walking badly and being hormonal?! How hard can it be!?

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