Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Blah! Blah!

Contentment in Yourself
You are a sensible soul and have a lot of common sense, thanks to your Earth sign element. But your pragmatism may go out the window on Tuesday, when the Moon in Libra squares Mars in Cancer. A friend may pull up to your residence in a monster SUV and proceed to detail for you their recent good fortune, which includes taking a trip to an exotic and expensive locale. You may be stung with the pangs of envy and jealousy even if you don't want to be, and feel ashamed of yourself afterward. It is only natural that you would want to have the same good fortune in life as the people around you. If you are temporarily struggling or have personal issues, you might feel that you are farther behind in life than your associates. You are going through a time of transition now and you are doing your best, so don't forget that. You can always compare yourself to someone who has more than you, or less than you, but in the long run it really doesn't matter how anyone else lives their life. What matters is that you find contentment and satisfaction in yourself and your own circumstances.

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