Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Aah the thrill and excitement of Monday. I overslept until 7.30am from then on in it was a smash n grab job. Thankfully my attire does not reflect that. (Okay that is just my opinion!) On the radio this morning the joyous news that ambulance crews are not 100% sure that their wagons are as clean as they should be. Comforting.
So I race to the tube. 8.44am. Get on a Charing 'I am quite' Cross branch train and head for Embonkment. At Balam a partially sighted lady gets on with her black labrador. The rest of the journey is interspersed with said dog dropping its guts at frequent intervals. It was most unpleasant and I was glad for my scarf to bury nose into. The rest of the carriage were intend on looking round to see who had the guilty face. The dog's tail kept on wagging. Despicable Line to Blackfry-up and into work I walk. The third person in. Blade is in doing online questionnaires and ruing MOT's and insurance. Earl grey is surfing and I have to detangle several layers to look ready for work.
Aah the thrill of and excitement of Monday morning.
Monday morning starts with a minor emergency - our key software package needs upgrading and unscheduled its now going to be today. I catch up with other stuff, replacing shoes to rightful place under desk following a weekend carpet clean, remove files from air con so there is some air, re-arrange coasters and get re-settled and ready for a day of meetings. First up the fishy fish project. It's been around a while and on occasion can smell. Today it's a catch up in prep for a video conference on Wednesday.
Then a weekly catch up with Lord J. I help him write the agenda for another meeting due on Wednesday. He uses a tablet PC. I use my nous. Then I crack on with documenting a modular project to a yet to be signed off business cased project. At 12.30 I change my boots for trainers and head out of office having pulled The First Man's leg about an unfortunate spot which has appeared. I suspect karma will catch me and by end of week I too will be suffering. WW beckons. Hooray am back to 10st 10lbs. Kelly will be overseeing until March - so I can make sure I see before she goes off and gives birth. Leave WW and avoid wolf whistling builders by sticking earphones in ears.
Am listening to Annie Lennox - sparked by her appearance on the South Bank Show last night. Disappointed with Melvin - too much slicing between interview and snippets of songs. I would have preferred proper chat. Annie's hand gestures have stuck with me today as have the rawness of her lyrics. Step forward yet another Capricorn influence.
'Bare' - an album which takes me back to when I split up with Sparky in 2005. Sitting in the flat singing the words and crying. 'Honestly' - "I turned myself into a person I didn't like". Meanwhile 'Diva' takes me even further back to the anguish The First One put me through in 1995. Trust me irate mother's of blokes kids (all of which til this point never mentioned) is not a great phone call to get whilst you are at home. From then on I suspect my life was never going to neat and tidy. However there were less pleasant things about that relationship which make that humiliation seem less painful. Thanks Annie your timely decade releases have fit a space in my emotional journey's. Can I listen and walk without crying?! Of course - today I just want to drown in her melancholy and once I switch it off forget it again.
So go for a walk across Wobbly Bridge the sun is in my eyes being so low. As you reach the south bank side the Tate Modern's iconic tower actually blocks the sun and I can see the hordes piling towards me. No time to view I sprint to Blackfriars Bridge. As I walk across it I read the chalked commentary left by a amorous couple over the weekend. The wooing, the suggestion and then the happy faces of afterglow. All the words &/or pictures made to fit the paving slab. A full blown conversation. Had I walked the in the other direction it would not have worked. I smile and head to Tesco's for fruit and yoghurt. Desk again the office is empty the rest of the PMT (no no NOT that PMT - Project Management Team - haven't had the bad PMT for ages btw) are out. Peace.
Quick scoff and check on GFC news then its time to decamp to the White Board Room for an afternoon of the Major Project stuff - catch ups, mandate reviews and an online training session with our friends in LA. At 6.10pm I am released. Projector secured up and email reviewed I bid farewell to the remaining workers and ask them if I look enough of a freak to be arrested? (Ok here's the picture starting from the bottom - trainers, pick trainer socks, diamond tartan tights, a-line skirt, 'that' leather coat, and my brown beanie. Mad? Me?) None offers an answer. Walk to Witterloose decide tube better option as it is already 7pm. SavaCentre for Horlicks refill pack. THEY DON'T DO IT ANYMORE!!! WHY!?!? So I am forced to buy a completely newly packaged version. GRR.
Enders. Nigella Express - how much wasted cheese?
Blog. Emails. Lights out.

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