Monday, May 10, 2010

Week ahead...

Week 9th May - Generally the indecisive outcome of the British general election makes a fine fit for the current spell of Mercury Retrograde, when the communications planet is backsliding in the sky; no clear outcome, last minute reversals of voting intentions, people locked out of polling stations, blurred messages about inter-party negotiations, and everyone sitting around awaiting closure. As the current catchphrase has it: ‘The people have spoken, but no-one is sure what they said.’

Plus, we are very likely to see a re-run, a fresh election, at some point in the not so distant future.
Intriguingly, Mercury was retrograde during Britain’s last hung parliament in 1974. A minority government ensued.

Mercury coming to a halt on Tuesday looks likely to coincide with the formation of a new government. Most of us should give The Messenger a day or two to turn round and get up speed, however, before we consider the last (interminable) three weeks of Merc Ret are over. Come the new Moon on Friday (at 1.04 AM GMT) it’s time to play catch-up. A new Moon in Taurus is also the signal to plant crops and flowers, seed creative projects and turn to amorous pursuits. Now is the month of Maying…

You may not recognise April and May as a period of leisure, but compared to what came earlier in the year, and what rolls round after midsummer, this is something like easy street. Even if you are grafting, it’s creative acts and artistry that are favoured by current planets. Make time to prioritise your pleasures; Friday’s new Moon is a launch pad for whatever you hold dear.
Whether in work or in personal terms, there are a few more twists in negotiations to come, but where partnerships are concerned, the air is finally clearing. Not before time.

Your Week Ahead starting Sat, May 8: Close the doors. Shut the windows. You will not keep out the air. Few and far between are the buildings in this world that do not ‘breathe'. Turn off the TV, the radio, the phone and computer. Will that isolate you from all the other people on this earth? If anything, it will make you more sensitive. You'll have more time to listen to your deepest feelings and fine tune your inner antenna so that it picks up the subtle psychic signal of the zeitgeist. Don't waste time building barriers this week. Open your mind, your heart and your imagination. If you're sensitive, you'll soon see a wonderful way to set about building bridges instead.

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