Friday, January 08, 2010


lifted. I think. Well certainly here in the city. Very cold but bright today.

Just returned from presenting a project presentation in the auditorium along with my colleague Lucy... well done to her - and phew. Glad its over!

No footie Saturday as it has been cancelled... Boo.

As for my head. Banged it against a brick wall yesterday and feel slightly less dark. Up to me to keep my focus on stuff and not get bogged down in negative thoughts... which most of the time are not true reflections of things anyway, just my doom laden notions.

Positive Mental.

Anyway birthday drinks tomorrow... mm.


Anonymous said...

Wheres my drink invite! Pc Anon x

Karoona said...

Where's my text message?!

Anonymous said...

I sent you a text with all my numbers at 0910 yesterday you need to check phone! PC Anon x