Monday, January 18, 2010

Venus enters Aquarius - Feelings take you by surprise.

Week of January 18, 2010: The Sun and Venus leave your sign and move into Aquarius, brightening your financial situation. It's time to reflect on your goals in this area and consider where you want to be in the weeks and months ahead. Both planets move to aspect Saturn later in the week, so you may want to talk to your boss about your earnings or discuss the payment for a project with the relevant person. However, Saturn is now retrograde until May 30, so you may not get what you're hoping for right away. You need to be patient.
Capricorn 22 Dec-19 Jan During an unusually intense birthday month you have probably detected the tectonic plates shifting; for you, of all signs, it's a time of major change and readjustment. With last Friday's solar eclipse out of the way, and messenger Mercury in forward gear, a more open, future-orientated six months beckon. Press the "Go" button on all your plans – and if you don't have any, make some big ones pronto.
Your Week Ahead: A new Moon in your sign, combined with the influence of Mercury, now moving 'direct' through Capricorn once more, implies that you are now feeling strangely torn. On the one hand, it is becoming possible to do something that you have long wanted to do. On the other, it seems that this cannot happen without a lot of upheaval. Rather than ask whether all this effort is likely to prove worthwhile, ask first whether it is really necessary. New Moons often have a way of amplifying our anxieties. You may well be overlooking a much simpler way to incorporate the fulfilment of your hope into your current situation.
Week Ahead Part Two - Love Focus: Don't make that statement! Don't issue that ultimatum! One hasty move, this week, and you are going to end up sparking off a process that you do not really want to see through to the end. Spontaneous reactions often tend to have a much bigger impact than many of your more carefully planned strategies ever could achieve. When ideas grip you, when emotions overtake you or when invitations tempt you, watch out. A helpful link from Venus to Saturn, on the back of a solar eclipse in your sign, suggests you can have what you want. But to get it, you need to begin by being very clear about what it is that you actually DO want.

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