Tuesday, January 05, 2010


What a naff day!
My stars are in part ture and in part way off beam!!!
You could be feeling the push-pull of internal desires versus external demands today, Capricorn. As much as you want to stay in bed today, with covers pulled tight to your chin, the world is clamoring for your attention. Your phone rings off the hook and your e-mail box fills as quickly as you can empty it. Just for today, you wish everyone would go away. Alas, no such luck. Promise yourself that you'll indulge some relaxation once you get home. Hopefully, no one will come pounding on the door!
Anyways - off swimming now!! Clear my bloody over filled head...

1 comment:

Karoona said...

42 lengths in 30 mins!! Get in! there was steam rising off the pool but the changing rooms were v parky!!!!!!!!!!