Monday, January 25, 2010

Week ahead

You're usually up for the challenges you encounter. However, you'll discover that you're at war with yourself on Monday as Mercury in Capricorn is quincunx Mars retrograde in Leo in your sector of personal power. You don't want to appear to be too ruthless in the way you handle a particular issue, but you do want to achieve your goal. Don't pay attention to rumors or gossip this weekend. On Sunday you'll hear several different versions regarding an incident that took place. Before you rush to judgment, take time to sort through all the various strands of the tale.

Capricorn 22 Dec-19 Jan When office politics and other power struggles become fierce (likely under a Saturn-Pluto mix), sentiment has to be set aside in favour of pragmatism. You wouldn't (hopefully) want to be thought a cold, heartless creature, but unless you survive, you can't help others. Talking of which, while no one needs to nudge a Capricorn about money, Friday's full Moon suggests that you check you have in fact been paid in full.

Your Week Ahead: In the college of human emotion, we are all first-year students. Even the professors are just fellow classmates who have learned the theory but have yet to pass the practical test. The courses don't become more sophisticated as time goes by; they just get more challenging. If, for example, you can handle 'Forgiveness and Tolerance: Year One' (when you're feeling loved and supported), for Year Two, you get to sit the same exam while you are broke and under stress! Seen that way, you're doing brilliantly now. And, er, how else do you want to see it? You are rapidly attaining your honours degree in warm- heartedness. Your Week Ahead Part Two - Love Focus: In the absence of a good enough question, here's a reliable answer. 'Don't'. Don't do it, unless you can come up with a really inspiring reason. If that reason contains so much as a scintilla of fear or if it involves even the remotest iota of anxiety, it is not a true justification, it is a deceptive piece of self-persuasion. Defy it. Ask yourself why you are inclined to ask yourself anything at all. The very fact that you're suspicious of a certain idea suggests that your suspicion is valid. In your emotional life, now, your misgivings are largely misguided. The only doubts you should doubt are the doubts about your own doubts!

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