Friday, January 15, 2010


After watching 'Dear Diary' on BBC Four Monday pm, I am contemplating the validity of writing a Blog.
Let's face it - a blog is self censored to prevent awkward situations amongst your readership who might also happen to be your peers or working colleagues that you manage, or indeed your family. So I started writing one again. (I kept one for years as a teen and at Uni - they are still at my folks home and cringe - I do!)
One evening has a good few pages on uninhibited ramblings. More so than the pitiful stuff I write here and on my other blog. I do like the feel of a pen creating words - but wonder at the value, as writing a diary is merely to personally benefit from brutal truths but at the expense that only I will ever read it - or refer to it. A blog allows debate.. sort of. Facebook is easier for people to interact with these days. A blog is written by one who has a trace of exhibitionist about them, or a slice of needing to be heard, or just likes writing 'stuff' and can't yet get disciplined enough to write that novel.
I do generate comfort from writing. I find it very exposing to actually talk about how I feel. For me its all thoughts and spoken out loud when I am home alone. My best conversations. Written stuff is the closest I get to exposing my inner thoughts/feelings. But as I started with - its censored. So I have to be more imaginative to say what I want without really saying it. Those who know me well tend to read between the lines...
Those who don't know me well - or think they know me well - find it hard to work me out - but forever try to or think they have... I am but a lone figure in a world of similarly placed people. I can be the life and soul or I can be the dower harbinger of doom in the corner. But what I always crave is security - which I get from staying single or at least independent of thought. Can't be let down then. (daft huh! - prohibitive at best!)
Getting close to anyone
a) raises my expectations which are then thwarted (not intentionally - but because my inability to talk represses communication - so when I need to talk or offer to do so - it should be cherished! or it's a miracle!) and
b) makes me mentally list all the reasons it is wrong and therefore I start a self fulfilling prophecy and begin to erode it straight away.
But recently I thought, I truly thought I had gone beyond that.. thought I could trust my feelings. Trust they were not mine alone. Security did not beckon but security of joint feelings seemed within grasp.
Unless I was duped - or have been a naive fool?! Again! Ah well. Then I am not sure. That depth doesn't just happen. It grows.
So with a new moon or some other astrological thang happening its time to dust down once more and plan my journey. Dance lessons beckon! And more diary writing - to calm my inner nervousness.
Arise Ms F... the future is yours to devour... !
By the way I am reading a really good book at the moment and have plans to acquire Virginia Woolf's diaries which sound right up my street!!!!!!!!!!! She's more manic than me!
I was born to be a crazed writer I am sure - so how on earth did I end up a pseudo manager of something in a law type firm?! No Sunday supplements for me in this career - but another - maybe!!
I also purchased 'The Rules of Love' this week... it has helped me read a neutral voice. And affirm my outlook where appropriate - but I won't be taking it as gospel - just a reference.
Right really must chip.. home and 'Shallowgrave' beckon!


planetface said...

I have a similar problem re the journal (sounds so much better than "diary" I maintain). I think one way round this is to have an "anti-diary" that has all the things in that you find yourself censoring in your diary.

The other way is to keep a diary that does not deal with how you feel - just describe what happens and what people say - the "truth" of these situations can then be reviewed months after.

Karoona said...

so blog world becomes what I did - full descriptions - like collecting evidence? Whilst my hand written diary can be today I felt cr*p cos X kept ignoring me....

I watched Bridget Jones's Diary for the 20th time last night. Where's my Mr Darcy?!??!?!?

planetface said...

sort of but the point of the diary is to record what you did but with no censoring. I am not sure that entries along the lines of "Today I felt crap cos I had to eat my lunch alone" are much use to anyone. I also suspect it is actually harder to honestly record what you do as opposed to what you feel.

Karoona said...

I shall re-try to account for my days in that fashion from now on - esp on Assume Nothing... then others can determine if they should assume more or less?!

Karoona said...

Have almost completed a weeks worth of what I did not what I felt. Seems bland, but the trends and threads may one day be of use. Quite enjoying the lack of effort. Good for the memory test side of brain too.