Monday, March 10, 2008

Unfinished Business

You need closure this week, KAREN, but it might be very hard for you to find it. You may have to settle for less than what you want and need. Currently your ruling planet, Saturn, is in Virgo in your sector of philosophy, and you may have to deal with some hard facts concerning an important issue you are struggling with. Not everything in life has a cut-and-dried outcome, and you have to accept that fact. There are a lot of gray areas in life, and while that does not always sit well with your practical Earth nature, it is the simple truth. On Friday, Mars in Cancer trines Saturn and you will find that you are able to cope with your current dilemma a lot easier than you previously thought. You have the ability to go with the flow, and it is just a question of giving yourself a little time. On Sunday, you will find it easy to express yourself as Venus in your sector of communication trines daring Mars. You will feel a lot more confident, especially if you need to make a speech or talk to someone about an important issue. You may find you enjoy your newfound boldness of speech more that you thought possible!

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