Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Power & Purpose

As Mars moves back into Cancer, KAREN, you may notice a degree of tension developing over the week ahead. If you have had problems in your relationships over the past months, they may come to a head one more time. But now there is a difference, as you won't have to deal with this matter again once this transit has passed. That feeling of being stuck that has been bothering you will fade away. But in the meantime, you could become very frustrated with your lover, business partner, or best friend. In short, whoever has been pushing your buttons! It is possible that they are also very annoyed and irritated by you too, so don't immediately decide that it is all their fault. You are moving into a phase in which you are learning to handle your power. You may not have got this right just yet, so be sensitive to others and their feelings, while making allowances for yourself. Meanwhile, the New Moon in Pisces on Friday helps you to make a fresh start when it comes to projects associated with the written or spoken word. If you are about to start writing a book, teaching a new subject, learning something new or unleashing your new advertising campaign, you are in luck! Wait until after Friday for best results.

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