Monday, March 10, 2008

Ouch, my head hurts.

I began the weekend on an enlightened high - all day training on Friday with the rest of the team proved at once inspirational and to the other extreme gave me sufficient insight to understand how leaving or staying were viable.
So sauntering home I felt quite happy in myself.
Saturday I woke up with what felt like a hangover - but could not have been. I forced myself out on a walk and my general Saturday work item list. Interspersed with generous amounts of football and rugby. I managed to tidy the bathroom cabinet and realised that I really had no need to buy shower gel or shampoo for a year as I have hoarded so much already. I also managed to get washing dry and in before the wet and grey weather set in. Baked a cake, cooked veggi chili and made some bean & rosemary soup for the freezer. Went to bed with tablets and bongela to kick the pain out for good.
Sunday morning however I woke up and my head still pounded - it was teeth, yes teeth. All my wisdom teeth were throbbing and causing me untold pain. So I numbed what I could with clove oil and downed as many pain killers as were 'safe' and stayed in bed. All day. In pain and trying to sleep. At one point I was sick - retching so hard I hurt my ribs. I barely ate all day and try as I might watching the footie made my head spin so I returned to bed to listen to it.
I feel less nauseous now but my teeth still ache and now and again I get a shooting pain up the side of my head. I feel robbed of my weekend. As for the weather - its blowing a gale and very very wet.
AND I still wait for the Interflora refund.

1 comment:

Karoona said...

Interflora finally responded - you see their email address is spelt incorrectly so anything you send them goes nowhere!
so refund and VOUCHERS on their way! tops!!