Thursday, January 03, 2008


For my birthday I did what I wanted to do and assumed nothing about anyone or thing.

So I got up at 9am. Went out for a walk to Wimbledon to make the most of the last of the sales. And despite the weather forecasts - the sun came out and the cooler air descended. I though was at such a pace I barely noticed. Walked back. Had lunch and a shower. Contemplated earlier sales purchases and decided which ones to return. So back to Wimbledon. Next to get refund for clothes. Then on to the cinema. Watched 'The Kite Runner' - can highly recommend it. Whatever you think of Afghanistan - this film will broaden your views. I do though wonder if I would have enjoyed it as much if I had read the book before hand? Have you read it?

Walked home. Pizza and glass of red. Now its a cup of Earl Grey tea and I suspect bed. Back to work tomorrow - proper work as everyone is mostly back and judging from my BB its the same old same old.

At least I have a pukka lunch and afternoon off to look forward too tomorrow!

Thanks to Baggy, Ziggy, Mazza, Pops, Stu, Mr G, Lisa, Swansea Jack, AKA, Cam, PCAnon for your messages and cards. Most appreciated. 35. Only 30 more years at work and then I can retire... there's a thought.

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