Monday, January 14, 2008

Lucky Time

You are in a very lucky period of time, thanks to beneficial and fortunate Jupiter and the bright Sun in your sector of self. You glow with all the radiant energy around you. Every upturn has a downside though, so be prepared at the beginning of the week for a few emotional bumps and bruises, as the Moon in Aries squares Jupiter and the Sun. You may have overextended yourself and promised too many favors to other people, and now your good-hearted desire to help others is leaving you feeling very tired and drained. You are known for the way you take care of your friends and family, but you also need to turn your attention to yourself and your own needs, or you may burn out. On Friday, you may sit down with a paper and a pencil and write down all the things you do for others and all the things you do for yourself, as the Moon in Gemini in your sector of health trines Mercury in Aquarius. You might be very surprised at what you come up with. Making changes can be hard, but you might need to consider all your options for your own well-being.

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