Thursday, January 08, 2009

This is a

post to say a BIG THANK YOU to a certain someone who today made a real effort for me.
I only wish I was able to articulate the things I need to out loud as opposed to having those conversations with myself in the bathroom mirror.
Do your ears burn?
Christmas gave me a lot of time to think and it all needs to come out sooner or later.
I have felt fury towards you.
And deep sorrow.
I have wished you could just be my friend - when I needed one too.
I have felt at arms length, so have kept myself there. Behind my wall of self defence.
I wish things were all so different but they are not.
I am a realist. Not an optimist.
But I still like to laugh and smile... with you.
For you.
So cheers. Many Happy Returns.
Sorry I did not spill my emotions and thoughts as you would have wished.
My tap is stuck.
And soon I will speak of many things.
Grey hair and wrinkles. Mainly. Perhaps.


Anonymous said...

Don't mention it, mate. It was nothing.

Karoona said...

I didn't even see you Wednesday - did I?!?!
You make an effort all the time. So you have BIG thank yous everyday!!

Anonymous said...

Sorry for stroking you in that inappropriate manner.

I am afraid Love at Lunchtime proved too much for me.

And my thanks to you for putting up with me for all these years outweigh any of yours to me.

You are my dearest friend in all the world.

Karoona said...

It was a tops lunch - great sirloin and nice red to wash it all down.. tasty!

Did you stroke me? Oh dear my sense of touch has dulled with age!

Thanks for pointing out Madge's nip during love at lunchtime too - Satellite TV is really quite eye opening at lunch huh!