Monday, January 12, 2009


Your values are tested this week, karen, and you will come through with flying colors. You have a well developed need for security and safety, and your first priority is to take care of yourself, your friends and family, and your possessions. On Tuesday, the Moon in practical Virgo is quincunx Mercury retrograde in your sector of what you value, and you will deal with the issue of how you can best safeguard yourself and the people and items in life you hold dear. You may install a security system in your home or apartment and schedule medical checkups for yourself and your family. Your standing in a community group of which you are a member undergoes a change on Saturday as the Moon in Libra in your sector of status and reputation squares the Sun in Capricorn. Another member is trying to undermine you in this origination and take over your role in the group. You are very civic-minded and the first person on your block to volunteer for the Parent and Teacher Association if you have children or for the group that beautifies your local park. You will be able to overcome this usurper and hang onto your position - never fear.

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