Monday, January 26, 2009

Diffuse Energy

karen, if you don't know where you are going, any road will take you there. On Tuesday, Mercury retrograde conjuncts impulsive Mars in Capricorn in your sector of self, and your energy becomes uncharacteristically scattered and diffuse. First, you want to take one course of action; then you doubt yourself and your decisions, and you want to head off in another direction. Before you know it, time has passed, and you are still sitting in your same position, and you haven't moved! You usually like to take your time to plan your actions as if you were playing a chess game, likely one of your favorite pastimes. Now you will find your energy is too erratic for you to make any clear decisions. Over the weekend, Mercury turns direct, and you will have a much easier time making up your mind and plotting out the best course of action for you to take. On Sunday, you have a very profound desire to help the young people in your community as the Moon in Taurus in your sector of children trines profound Pluto in Capricorn. You might decide to mentor a child through a local school program or sponsor a child in a Third World country.

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