Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Well that's something new I have tried in 2009. The firm are running a diversity week - all sorts of talks and presentations - today I spent 45 mins with my eyes closed concentrating on my breathing. Paid to doze?! Not really - sat in a Buddha zen position cross legged with straighten spine is actually a physical challenge in itself. My bottom leg fell asleep and my hands towards the end felt really heavy.
The second version was about visualisation, find a meadow, lie down imagine a favourite place - got there and feel the sun on your face. The problem with this version was I had too many questions. England or not? How hot is the sun? Will I burn etc etc. So in the end I imagined sitting on Margate beach with the blue sky and seagulls. Quite relaxing. Afterwards I did feel quite relaxed. There was a space in my mind - for me.
Sadly it did not last long. The canteen posed a whole different set of questions. Hey ho.

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