Monday, September 29, 2008

Who'd be a girl?

The fortnight has been a doctor and nurse farce.
Well not so much farce as much as being told that at 'my age' I should reconsider my child birth options. Any of the recommended changes pretty much enforcing a menopause like state onto my body. Yes. Just what I needed to hear. Suddenly not smoking and being healthy than ever were not cutting the ice anymore. Here was a fresh faced doctor giving me the low down on my body and age. I suppose I should be flattered that I am still considered old enough to bear children...however as I left the surgery I did ask who'd be a woman? He had no answer - what a great start to the week. So going for my smear test this Friday was almost the reprise. Thankfully the nurse, although fresh faced, at least conceded that she too had lost her sense of time. I could not believe it had been 3 years since the last one. For the squeamish turn away now. Now a days they use a plastic monkey wrench and a brush... no really they do. It feels so odd and for the rest of the day your womb response with cramp like pains. The nurse gave me some leaflets. More feminine things to worry about. So at my age it was most comforting to read in The Observer today the contrast of 25yo mothers vs 35+ yo mothers. As I walked round the circuit this morning I realised that whilst I suspect I would be a good mum - it would probably now be a role I would never play. Not so much daunting as one of those but why do I have make a choice? It was fitting that Miriam Margolyes was on Desert Island Discs talking of how she had not married or had children (OK so she is a homosexual) and how that had disappointed her parents. Her life had been filled with other roles. I suspect mine is too - just not so obvious ones to the outside world - but certainly to those who need that static character in their life.

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