Monday, September 01, 2008

Playing The Part

You will be in the limelight in one way or another, karen. A focus on your career zone means that you are going to be busy getting things organized. It is very important to you that you give the right image, which means that you may be very active doing just that. If this means a change of wardrobe or a new hairstyle to give you the edge, you will go for it. You are good at calculating the odds, and you know how important it is to make every detail count. You are also keen to impress the right people by getting in touch and perhaps inviting them out for lunch. By keeping in contact and developing sound, working relationships, you will be more likely to attract success. If you happen to be traveling on Wednesday, you may be delayed when you need to reach your destination in time. Try to account for every eventuality, and don't leave your packing until the last moment as you are bound to leave something out. On Thursday, you have an opportunity to make headway with a project that concerns a new line of experience. A stroke of luck will give you more options and more benefits.

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