Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Waking the Dead

I like it lots! Stimulates the brain cells. Last one tomorrow. Boo.


Anonymous said...

is it the sadistic violence you like or the torture porn or the shouting.

I watched the one with the woman out of My Hero in it and MIchael Maloney and have not slept well since?

Karoona said...

I find the intensity of it drags me in. It becomes a pure hour where I just let the TV drama rule my mind. The intensity between the characters. And Boyd - how can you be scared when he's in charge?

Come on pf - get a grip!!

Anonymous said...

Intensity? You mean they shout at each other.

I have seen more genuine intensity in the monthly managers meeting.

Karoona said...

I disagree. Last night there was a poignant moment when Grace sat in silence as she fully digested the ramifications of the death of Boyd's son. Which he was keeping silent over...

Have you REALLY seen more intensity at a mthly managers meeting???! From whom?!

Anonymous said...

Have only seen one in recent times, which was about a schizophrenic man who had spent his whole life in a mental institution for patricide. The guy who played him was superb - he really looked like someone who was completely losing the plot.
Grace had buggered off for a bit so they all had to figure out his profile themselves, until she came back to save the day. I was hooked, which is unusal for me!