Monday, May 19, 2008

Falling Into Place

Sometimes life gives you lemons, but occasionally you get a big pitcher of delicious lemonade without even asking for it. KAREN, that's your scenario on Wednesday as lucky Jupiter in Capricorn sextiles Uranus in Pisces. You thought a certain situation would be difficult, so you kept putting it off. Now you will be pleasantly surprised by how easily you navigate your circumstances and how everything simply falls into place. Chalk one up for you! You continue your cycle of cosmic possibilities as the Moon enters Capricorn and conjuncts Pluto on Thursday. Your sense of personal power will be second to none, and your perception and awareness will be strong. You are a practical Earth Sign, and once you couple your common sense with your new insight and discernment, there is no person you cannot outwit and no situation you can't win. Remember that as you go about your daily activities this week, and you will come out ahead in all your interactions and experiences. This weekend, you may receive unexpected thanks from someone you helped in the past. He or she has never forgotten your kindness and will let you know that in a heartfelt way.

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