Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Last week I discovered a simple way of extending my me time. I have been taking my walking gear to work and changing into it before leaving the office. As soon as I am out of the doors I cease to be part of it - work/the office. It's been like reclaiming a part of my life that I enjoy - walking. Okay so it's not early in the morning - but with the lighter evenings and a new pair of trainers I have certainly burnt a few miles in the last few days... culminating in walking all the way home on Friday (shame I then found some drinking companions and drank several pints of bitter....) which gave me the greatest buzz (the walk not the beer) - 8 miles in 2 hours dead! Come on! The beer just gave me a dull head the next day. Boo.
Total miles walked (Sun-Sat) - 40.74
Ave per day - 5.82

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