Wednesday, May 16, 2007


think I am down hearted. I am ok in myself.

I just have days when I feel that requesting time with people I perceive to be friends, or indeed are, can be interpreted as being a desperado. I guess the problem is I have few friends in the locale. And I have got used to being by myself. And I am conscious that I devote too much time to work and not enough to pursuits outside - so my opportunities for expanding my friend network is worsened.

I guess when was more about me getting off my back side and making an effort to meet new people.


and apologies to those people for whom my needs, now and again, to spend time with them as other humans seems to be clingy. desperate. I'm not - I just like you! As a human! And there are various people I have had that feeling with recently... its no doubt self induced. So ignore if so.

And on that note time to leave work and spend an entertaining evening at home. On me todd! ttfn.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

join a book club?

there were people doing ballroom dancing in the canteen last night - it looked like fun?