Friday, May 25, 2007

Dilemma (s)

I have already posed one of these to a good friend, so first up:

1) Waterstone's have all Philip Roth books in the 3 for 2 option - which 3 should I have picked up?

I already have 'The Human Stain' & 'The Great American Novel' & 'Everyman'....

2) I desperately need to sort out my holidays - I am looking at doing one of the tours with this company

I am torn between India, Italy, Borneo, America's National Parks, anywhere really!!

3) Tonight is the May Ball. So should I

Drink responsibly and make sure I do not slump in the eyes of my colleagues? Drink way too much and be improper with immediate colleagues? Not so immediate colleagues? Or just do what I always do - sit at the table and witter on about too noisy; too hot; no room on dance floor; sore feet; dress too tight/short?!

4) Having arranged to meet a friend after work last night - they were unable to make it. Text came 15 minutes after arriving at venue. Do I forgive? Add it to the list of imperfect people? Not turn up next time?

5) To watch or not watch Big Brother this series?

5) And so my immediate question - do I do my appraisal prep this afternoon or carry on with my requirements document for a Learning Management System for the firm?!

1 comment:

Karoona said...

thank you Joshua - if I spoke Portugese then I am sure your blog would indeed be very cool - the pictures are certainly varied and interesting!