Monday, April 07, 2008

Let Loose

Don't be any one's scapegoat this week, KAREN. Keep in mind that you are a proud Mountain Goat, able to navigate the loftiest hilltop. You don't need to be the butt of a joke, or a drudge, or get stuck doing all the cleanup work at a party or social event. At times you can be a bit too self-effacing, which is not always in your best interest. On Tuesday, the Moon in Taurus trines positive Jupiter in Capricorn in your sector of self, and you will find that your self-esteem is reawakened and kicked up a notch. Several notches in fact. You will be able to feel so good about yourself that you realize how valuable your time really is, and how valuable you are as a person. On Thursday and Friday your emotions may be all over the map, as the Moon in Cancer opposes intense Pluto in Capricorn. You are usually a rather cool customer, and you keep a tight lid on how you really feel. That's part of why you present such a polished persona in public, but now you deviate. It's okay to be stoic and staid, but you may find that you enjoy letting loose more than you thought you would.


Anonymous said...

"A proud mountain goat"!?

No comment.

Have a tiptoptastic time in Paris, karoona. Will you be faire le blogging en France?

Do try the top floor of the Gare D'Orsay and the collection in the Orangerie in the Tuilleries.

They've got naked women and everything...!

Karoona said...

Ce n'est pas moi qui l'ai fait. Non reserver.
