Thursday, October 25, 2007


I am finally wearing the suit I purchased as a stand by for my bro's wedding. It has made me realise the very real down side of working in a 99% male environment - no-one notices!! However a very well dressed female manager from another department did make a very nice compliment about said suit whilst I was in the lift. Which was nice. Browns and pinks! Oh yes I am branching out!!

Otherwise the weather has become grey and damp. Not good for straight hair - it goes frizzy! And in this suit the rain shows up as dark splats on the material! Marvellous - ever changing art.

I am off to the cinema tonight to see 'Control' - which I am sure will hearten my spirits no end!!! Love, will as they say, tear us apart.
And that then is the answer to my never ending riddles. Torn apart by emotions of love.
The question is then - how do you deal with being torn apart and do you ever really get put back together again?


Anonymous said...

You focus on what is at the core of your being, find your inner reserves and "essence" and put yourself back together again.
You might end up put together in a slightly different configuration, but that's how we evolve through life.

Karoona said...

Very profound. But you're right.

What if the essence of Karoona stinks though!?