Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Deep Diving Day One

Today I have mostly been ... trying to keep my eyes off the deep dive instructor... !?

Okay so my day starts at 9am - following a fairly painless trip to Aldgate. To a smallish room with at least 8 laptops, a white board, 2 flip charts, a huge A4 ring binder folder each & a projector. Along with myself and 4 other clients in smart business casual, some in house people also were down to London to learn about the product.

When I stumbled into the room there was a bloke sorting out cables etc - 'could only be IT support' I thought to myself. 'Shame he is cute' I also thought!
But no, as the introductions started it became apparent he was leading the next 4 days. Aah bliss - funny how learning totally alien stuff seems less tiresome when you are transfixed by gorgeous eyes, nice accent and my Achilles heel - long hair. Mm. He is of course married and lives in LA but it makes a pleasant change! And doubtless I will learn a lot - plenty of questions!!!

So today I wrote a simple archetype, process and page...I actually used a system to create code and stuff - my talents are never ending!? But when we were left to build the items by ourselves with minimal instructions I panicked - I have not touched a coding framework for years - let alone created forms and attached attributes to objects. I know I went bright red with frustration - so long since I was really lost as to what to do. But deep breath and some sanity checks plus a reassuring hand on the shoulder and away I went. I am really looking forward to the rest of the week and going back to the office with a real sense of knowledge, and hopefully powerful direction. It has really put me in one of my teams shoes for a change and helped me measure how well I delegate similar types of task.

Now all I need to do is make sure I don't get too distracted!

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