Saturday, March 03, 2007

I don't believe it...

my upstairs neighbour Mister and Son, locked themselves out this morning. Instead of waiting for Mrs to return or contact a lock smith - they rang MY doorbell and without flinching asked to come through my flat, out of my backdoor, so they could use their outside stairs to reach their back door and get back into their upstairs flat.

Can you imagine my reaction?! I wanted to say - 'well can you stop making noise at 11pm-1am?! NO!? Well there's your answer.'

Instead I think I muttered 'Ah so I am worthy of talking to now am I?' And then said 'Well I suppose so.' So they scooted through rather swiftly - getting tangled in my newly hung up washing and 'forgetting' to say thank you.

I slammed said back door and fumed. The bare faced cheek. Not even an apology or an admittance of any of the other rot going on... unbelievable.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lovely stuff. Mate, they were sent to obviously test your patience. Youre doing a good job so far. Just rise above it.