Wednesday, January 03, 2007

This Life 10+

Come on - own up who watched it?

For me it seemed only fitting to switch on at 9pm (the time of my birth) on a Tuesday (the day I was born (full of grace !?)) to catch up with some old friends. Fitting to note that 10 years on of the five only 1 is still practicing law - mm that too sounds very familiar!

The social commentary, the observations about 'youth' of today and the unrequited love of Miles and Anna. Ultimately I was left wanting more! Will Miles return? How will his travels go? Will Anna have a baby via Miles or Warren and a spatula? Will Millie and Egg make it? So many more questions than answers - but it was heartening to see the key 5 still had that spark and could still shift between their natural alliances to create a sense of friendship.

It made me wonder how I would feel catching up with people I haven't seen fro 10 years - so if I knew you in 1997 what do ya reckon!?! Even meeting the folks from my bar course would be fascinating. I suspect I am the only one of the core gang (Mel, Sophie, Darren, Delia, Mark) who isn't yet spliced or with child! However unlike Miles I do not 'own' a mansion, mind you neither did he!! In '97 I was in Leicester facing work related traumas and decided to give it all up and move down south. I also made the decision I wanted to be a barrister! Or rather make better use my 'yawn' law degree. I was living on my own then too - in a flat 5 mins walk from work! What memories that place holds! I guess my greatest realisation - I was more open to try new, daring stuff back then. Everything and ANYTHING seemed possible. '97 was Glasters year. Tents and rain. Now I like my routine - and still haven't learnt to deal with my hangovers.

Good observation about the legal world too I thought. Defecting from it. How its becoming harder to survive especially at the Bar. And then the 30+ syndromes - Millie torn between her career and the career of motherhood which she clearly preferred. And Anna desperate for a child. I wondered which of the two I most resembled. Not sure either to be honest. Biological clocks. Mine hasn't started to tick-tock with me yet. Or has it?! I think finding a decent place to live might be key factor in that decision. Oh yeah and a male set of genes! Or maybe just a man in jeans?!

The weight of expectation.

But ask yourself - who really sets this expectation.....?

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