Monday, January 01, 2007

New Year's Eve...2007

was spent largely in my lounge listening to the wind, rain and fireworks.

Sunday afternoons/evening's are meant for lounging. I am not sure if spending NYE by yourself means you are an alien or whether it means I was too lazy to rally round and try and find some where/one/thing to spend the time with. As it was I sat and immersed myself in films and DVDs well after the Eastenders omnibus! Watched 'Beaches' and cried. Wondered why I don't feel as if I have a mate like that!! Maybe I do. And maybe life isn't like a film.

I have to say at this point that Christmas TV has been AWFUL. Well what choice was there - all the programmes shown tonight were basically repeats of programmes they had already showed, and I had astutely avoided watching them first time round.

Wish I had braved the wind and rain and gone to the cinema now. The weather has been awful today. Cold, miserable and ugh.

Oh well the fireworks at the London Eye looked terrific. Good to see my city doing something right.

I think the basic problem is that I tend to mentally celebrate New Year at 1pm when it turns midnight down under! So Happy New Year Stu and Emma. And yes Mr G - Happy New Year to you too! Thanks for the texts guys!

And my resolutions totalled 0. A resolution should be for life not just for New Year - so I will endeavour to continue to be thoughtful and caring toward my fellow man and as ever keep on with WW and okay if pressed seriously work up to quitting the smokes..... to be honest I actually liked 2006. Was doing well at work - running a half crewed office and loving the challenge. My social life had picked up and I felt happier about myself. Now the clock has turned I sense distrust of this new year... the downwards portion of the rollercoaster.....

Hey ho. Bed.

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