Friday, January 12, 2007


Hey all - sorry for the total lack of the world according to Karoona thus far this week... what can I say - I've been BUSY!

Well work wise. Not so socially. Hey ho.

News from the desk - well my new TV has prompted the revolution of only really watching BBC Four. Sunday pm I sat and watched the entire series of Jane Eyre and got quite elated on emotion. For some strange reason all my secondary school days came back and the comments English teachers had made about me and literature. It also reminded that basically I am a romantic at heart! Aah!

This was followed by the Californian Dreaming series - thus far this week I have watched the music progs to try and understand why Neil Young, Joni Mitchell, The Eagles etc are so infamous and then last night from Ranch to Raunch - aah those Hollywood hills! Pools, views and one storey dream houses. The sunshine. I spent 3 months in California in 2000 - and my memories were jogged well and truly.

Monday was spent emailing with Ziggy about the great albums and songs of Sir David Bowie - and believe me by the time we finished it was a rather long list!!

Been back out walking in the evenings and amazingly enough managed to lose a 1lb over Christmas - which was nice. Not so nice going to WW weigh in on Monday and being faced with the New Year's resolutes - mm I wonder how long they will keep coming?! Ventured up to Old Street tube stn - which bought back many memories of my early BT years, ah Defoe Court and Scott n Kim amongst others!! Bunhill Row.

Erm and then I ran around like a banshee trying to get a bag I bought in the Next sale fixed. No joy - so I took it back and got me money back. Bit disappointed as it was the perfect handbag (well apart form the hideously broken zip!)

I did get taken for lunch on Tues - belated b-d scoff and enjoyed a beef n horseradish sarnie - which was tasty! And today I took a mate to lunch as a pre b-d treat as she is out of office next week...

Some tops news though my brother emailed confirmation of his flight details - so he and Mrs Fairy will be in the UK in August! Excellent - the plan is to go to the Reading festival at some point. Tops rocking!!!

Tonight is drinks with the firms managing partners and tomorrow interview panel. So more news as and when I land in my lounge Saturday pm after the Gills have beaten Donny!!! ttfn


Anonymous said...

good to have you back, karoona. Excellent choice of dining locations. Any Ronnie scrambled eggs on the menu - ha ha ha ha!

Not sure you've got the correct prediction for the Rovers - Gills game.

Karoona said...

Good to be back!

Gills! Gills! We will beat you Donny dogs - 4-0!!

(It's been a long day and I am hallucinating - I semi blame the imagery in the book I was reading this morning. Honeymoon scrambled eggs - crikey!!!)