Monday, August 31, 2009

Clearing the Air

Mars in your opposite sign of Cancer, karen, may be stirring things up between you and your partner. It is time to clear the air and get some energy back into your relationship. Heart-to-heart discussions will enable you to get to those core issues that can suck the energy out of you both as you tiptoe around trying to avoid them. The more open and honest you are willing to be, the easier it will be to find some kind of resolution. As long as Saturn is in your Ninth House you may be travelling more for business or academic purposes than for the pure fun of going on vacation. If you are trying to establish a business abroad this is a good placement as it means you are more likely to be thorough and to work hard to meet your targets. There is also the possibility of following a path or teacher who may be able to guide you to higher levels of consciousness. Mercury in your career zone is helping you to make the right connections and mix with key people. But from Sunday it will be retrograde until September 29. This means you need to be more careful when signing deals or arranging contracts.

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