Sunday, September 02, 2007

Gillingham 2 - Walsall 1

Case solved - I stay at home and the Gills win. Well done Twiglet!

I did though have a very good afternoon walking the Thames (again!) from Putney Bridge to Hammersmith Bridge and back again. Cooked tea tonight and all in all it's been a relaxed day. For all of us - which is good! Even bumped inot an old work colleague at Putney 's Duke's Head - John Dicko! And still reeling from the change to the O'Neills pub - its now called 'The Temperance' and felt totally different - nice pot of Pigswill tho!

Tonight is the last night on the sofa bed - the neighbours above are using their washing machine and to the side - still outside apres their bar-b-q... hence a late night posting. Will after all that be odd not having other people about in the flat with me - they are off to Kent tomorrow, me undecided when to go down as by doing so I am consigned to the inflatable single mattress. joy!

But I am now tired and in need of kip - so until whensoever... ttfn.

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