Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Edge of Reason

My brain has gone into itself this week. I know my current mood is flavoured by PMT. So bascially ignore the rest of this post - its for my benefit and no one else's....

I want to have a massive row and get all my angsts off my chest.

(work - people at, unrequited love, flat renewal - despite damp, smelly-ness, noisy neighbours. Oh and the loss of summer)

I WANT A HUG. Be swept off my feet.
I WANT TO COME HOME AND SNUGGLE UP TO SOMEONE WHO UNDERSTANDS ME. Or in the case of this evening someone to work out my frustrations with in a purely animal lust type way. Oh well.


Anonymous said...

Why didn't you say something over lunch? I am sure I could have fitted you in before or after dancing.

Anonymous said...

"unrequited love"?

Patrick, David and Eddie (that is Rafter, Bowie and van Veeren) still not returning the calls then?

They are fools, karoona, fools. You can do so much better.

Karoona said...

I will try - maybe Christian will answer?!