Wednesday, June 27, 2007


everyone here/there is contending with house purchasing and for the not yet marrieds - engagement.

So I have been contemplating marriage. And home ownership. But first tying the knot...

In my contemplation I realised I am actually a bit of a huge commitmentphobe!! HUGELY protective of my space and identity. Can you marry and retain that? Do people still marry for love? Part of me hopes so - but another part of me, cynical and 'wise', suspect not. Quality company and loyalty would be nice. A trusted soul mate to share news and views with. Someone who tells you everything and is honest about their thoughts and what they have been up too.

Have I experienced enough to make a decision yet? Do I need to do more things sans Mr before becoming half of a couple?
Conversely life is short so why not take a chance and see what happens. What is the worst that can happen?

As ever there are more questions than answers and the more I ask the less I know the answer...and as with so many things there are no guarantees...

Buying a pad on the other hand. Got home tonight to find a dead mouse in the kitchen. Joy. That and the damp smell and a fast lack of space to be me it sounds more appealing by the minute.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Even the most hard-bitten cynics amongst us sometimes do rash things for love :)